Ben Ten Porno Story: Ben Ten and the Fresh Alien Chapter 12
Chapter 12
“And stay down,” Ben growled as he struck the alien robot with all four fists so that the casing shattered under the blow.
“You too,” Gwen said as she enveloped the robot she was fighting in a sphere of magical energy and shrank it until the alien metal was crushed under the pressure of her spell. Ben tore his eyes away from his cousin and her slim body, he still couldn’t understand how she was able to disguise her pregnancy with a spell so she could fit into her Lucky Girl costume and go out in public, but he was glad she was able to hide her true identity and keep helping him in his alien forms.
“That takes care of that,” Ben said in his rough baritone as he slapped his four hands together to brush the dust off his red skin. “As long as you don’t need us for anything else, I’m late for an appointment.”