Ben 10 Porn Story: Ben and Gwen get reacquainted 7
That’s a lot of info to take in. It would help if you started at the beginning. Gwen had all these thoughts flowing through her mind as she pulled her pants up. First chance I get I’ll need to empty my cunt of all the cum in it and shower and put some cloths on that aren’t cover in everyone’s cum. She sat down and opened the blinds over the window and spotted Ben fucking Cindy and went into a heavy sulk.
Max realised what was happening and said to Gwen “Ben’s your cousin you can’t have him for yourself. The law just won’t allow it in this state.”
I’ll just have to move then Grandpa. I love Ben to much. I don’t want to shier him with any one.
You just fucked me Gwen. You can let Ben fuck Cindy I just did. If you want to fuck anyone else then Ben you have to let him fuck who he wants. That way you get a first pick for a little girl on girl action as well. Continue reading